
By Simona Dubravova - štvrtok, júla 30, 2015

Pekný deň. Dnešný outfit je z potuliek Prahou, kde som strávila predĺžený víkend. Vôbec by som nepovedala, že Praha môže byť taká krásna a zaujímavá, no opak je pravdou. Už len vybratie miesta pre nafotenie outfitu mi robilo problémy, pretože som si nevedela vybrať a najradšej by som ho fotila všade. Ak by niekto chcel, viac fotiek z tohoto nádherného mesta nájde aj na mojom instagrame. Počasie bolo úžasné, svietilo slniečko a tak sme celý deň strávili prechádzkami po meste. Taktiež ste si zamilovali Prahu ako ja? 

Have a nice day . Today's outfit is from wanderings through Prague , where I spent a long weekend . I would not say at all that Prague can be so beautiful and interesting , but the opposite is true. Just the selecting of place for photographing outfit  was difficult for me because I was not able to choose, I'd love to taking pictures at every place in Prague . If anyone would like to see more photos of this beautiful city is also available on my Instagram . The weather was amazing , the sun was shining so we spent the day walking around the city . You are also in love with Prague as I am ?
heels - koton | pants - river island | sunglasses - ray ban, river island | cami top - (here)

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21 komentárov

  1. Ty džíny jsou úžasný:) a ta poslední fotka, jak je to za Tebou rozmazaný, to je bezvadně vyfocený!:)
    One blondie life

  2. you look amazing! Love the sandals:D

    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  3. perfektné fotky, skvelé kombo! Milujem tvoj blog :)

    Izabell │my diary/klik/

  4. Opět super! :)

  5. The top is very cute, and your photos are incredible! The quality, the place, your modelling, they're just perfect. I'd really like to se Prague one day, but in the meantime I have no problem looking at your gorgeous instagrams

    Natalia | Lindifique

  6. Beutyfull. :)

  7. Hello from Spain: great look. I just discovered your blog and I like the variety of topics that you write. Fashion and beauty are my hobbies with my Barbie doll collection. Right now I have a blog dedicated to those dolls that I invite you to visit: If you want we keep in touch. I already made me a follower of your blog.

  8. Love d pictures !!

  9. love your pictures! your outfits really add drama to the place :)

    Jessica |

  10. You look amazing, babe! I would agree, Prague is gorgeous and I would have a problem to shoot only one location as well!
    P.S. I love your photos and a blog, followed you right away!


  11. Wow, amazing pictures! :)

    Thanks for your comment, I'm following you on facebook and bloglovin :)

  12. I love it! Amazing look <3!
    I follow you dear on bloglovin

  13. I love everything about this outfit. Those shoes are stunning.

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  14. Díry na kolenách se mi líbí čím dá tím víc :) a tohle je super outfit!

  15. Love your entire outfit, these pants look great on you! :)

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    Kisses from Zurich,

  16. how chic, n uber hot. Love those shoes .
    New Post on my blog, do drop by soon ,<3


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